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National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Week

President Biden has proclaimed August 15-21, 2021, as “ESGR Week.” It is an honor and recognition based upon our 49 years of outstanding national Employer Support. ESRG is the DoD voice for employers, so spread the good news about this week.

This now annual event salutes those serving in the nation’s National Guard and Reserve, while recognizing and honoring support of military service by their employers. These outstanding employers have an important part in sustaining our “All-Volunteer” military force.

Since the founding of our republic, courageous patriots have defended our nation, protected our citizens, and upheld the principles of our Constitution. Many years later, men and women Guard and Reserve Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen have carried forward this time-honored tradition of extraordinary national service on behalf of the nation.

In 1972, as Congress eliminated the military draft, it wisely understood that a well-trained, highly skilled and professionally led Guard and Reserve was essential to meeting future national defense needs. It also recognized that increased reliance upon the Guard and Reserve would impact the workplace. To address this, ESGR was established to work directly with employers.

Employers are important partners in our national defense. The word “partners,” as used here, has no intended legal significance. Rather, it reflects the relational support they add, in the face of workplace stress, by valuing the hiring of those serving in the Guard and Reserve, and embracing, as responsible corporate citizens, their military service. In short, our nation owes its employers a debt of gratitude for their support of these citizen warriors.

During our 49-year history, ESRG has played a critical role in building this supportive workplace environment. You can be proud of your service as an important contributor to this extraordinary feat. You have made a difference in military retention and readiness.

Though the ESGR mission remains unchanged, the foreign and domestic demands upon the Guard and Reserve are increasing. These pressing demands are also being felt by employers. The Employer Outreach Ad Hoc Committee, working closely with State Chairs, is seeking out innovative approaches, combined with proven volunteer energy and creativity, to provide even greater success for our future employer outreach.

Who is ESGR?

ESGR, a Department of Defense program, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.

How can ESGR Help?

ESGR understands the unique talents and skill set Guard and Reserve Service members can bring to the civilian workforce. To make this arrangement work, both parties must be aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).


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