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The Accommodation and Food Services sector employs 27,081 individuals with 1,673 business locations across the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area. Many of the jobs in this industry do not require formal education. The overwhelming majority (84%) of these jobs are at restaurants, with the largest occupations of fast food and counter workers, and waiters/waitresses.
Collectively, there are 15,713 jobs and 1,759 various businesses in the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area throughout the construction sector. It’s been said “college isn’t for everyone” and in fact those that chose vocational paths often have a much easier time obtaining a job at a higher wage than someone who attended a four-year institution.
The education and health services supersector is part of the service-providing industries supersector group. The Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area comprises over 3,721 payrolled businesses that employ 86,964 individuals throughout the region within this industry.
According to EMSI, the Central Arkansas Workforce Development Area is home to 552 manufacturing business locations that develop a wide range of products and employ over 18,000 individuals. Some specializations exist in the region, such as sanitary paper products, ammunitions, iron and steel pipe and tube, electronic connectors, and unlaminated plastics.
Industrias en demanda en
Centro de Arkansas
Para satisfacer las necesidades de mano de obra de las empresas y la industria, utilizamos el análisis de datos. Nuestro objetivo es brindarles a quienes buscan trabajo todas las ventajas que necesitan para mejorar su nivel de vida en nuestra área de servicio de seis condados. Los ocho sectores industriales enumerados a continuación aumentarán la probabilidad de que los solicitantes de empleo encuentren un trabajo bien remunerado.
¿Cómo se determinaron estas industrias en demanda? La Junta utiliza el análisis de datos y las conclusiones extraídas del documento LEVERAGE como un primer paso catalítico para satisfacer las necesidades de mano de obra de las empresas y la industria y proporcionar todas las ventajas para participantes obtengan un nivel de vida más alto en nuestra área de servicio de seis condados.