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Because of unfortunate circumstances, Archie Harris decided to drop out of high school and find employment to help contribute to his family. After several months of unsuccessful job searching, Archie went to the Arkansas Workforce Center in Brinkley, visited with Marilyn Roby, One Stop Center Career Consultant, and discussed potential opportunities available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program.

Shortly after, in May of 2018, Arhcie enrolled in the WIOA Youth program and received Educational and Occupational Skill Training services. The Workforce Center staff helped Archie in the development of a plan, which defined goals required to complete his career path and that included having his high school diploma. With the assistance of the Arkansas Land and Farm, Inc. and the Monroe County Adult Education Center, Archie was not only able to work on obtaining his diploma, he was also able to gain the skills to become an asset to himself and future employers.

As a result, Archie received his school diploma on May 10, 2019 and is currently employed with Lennox's Industries. When it came to defining his educational goals, he took advantage of the support and services that were provided through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant.

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