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After many years of unstable employment, Leo Smith came to realize that he needed to pursue a new career that would allow him to grow within a company, receive a greater return on the quality of his work, and have a job that he enjoyed.

Arriving at the Arkansas Workforce Center in Benton, Leo enrolled in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program and began to explore his interest in the transportation sector with career consultant Orlando Freeman. Participating in the educational training services, he was referred to the Saline County Adult Education Center, which worked diligently with him to assure that he had the educational aptitude to complete the truck driver curriculum.

In December of 2018, Leo was enrolled into the occupational skills training component of the WIOA program and referred to the Pine Bluff Truck Driving School to begin training for a new career in the transportation industry.

During his training, he gained invaluable skills from the diverse number of instructors, including the importance of the Pre-Trip inspection. Shortly after, he received his Certificate of Completion and obtained his Class A Commercial Driver’s License. In January of 2019, with his new certifications and experience, Leo applied for and landed a new full-time job as a Truck Driver for Tysons Food Company.

Leo is excited about his new career and credits the Arkansas Workforce Center in Benton and their partners for helping him on a new career path.

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