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After being employed as a Mill Operator for many years, Carlos Anderson found himself unemployed September of 2019. Facing this life-altering obstacle and determined to obtain employment that would allow him to become financially stable, he explored his career options.

In January 2020, he reached out to the Arkansas Workforce Center in Brinkley for help and decided to pursue a career in the Transportation Industry, which would allow him to accomplish his goal. After meeting with Career Consultant, LaTunjha Camber-Bell, he enrolled to participate in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program.

Shortly after, Carlos began the educational training component and started his 4 week training at the Level1 Driving Academy in Beebe, Arkansas. In March 2020, Carlos received his diploma and his Commercial Driver’s License and accepted employment with Trans Am Trucking.

In the end, he discovered with the determination to succeed, anything was possible and he is now pursuing a career he loves.

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