Kaitlyn Greer, a motivated single mother, began her journey towards a new career path by enrolling into the Registered Nursing Program (RN) at Baptist Health College in Little Rock, Arkansas. Unfortunately, once accepted into the program, she realized that she needed additional financial assistance to complete the program.
She inquired about available options for her and learned she was eligible to participate the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult program, which could provide the financial assistance that was needed to complete her educational training.
Once enrolled in the WIOA Adult program, Kaitlyn applied herself to her studies and her dedication paid off on June 17, 2020 when she graduated from the Registered Nursing Program. Kaitlyn realized that her Associates Degree came at an unprecedented time in history, while facing the COVID-19 pandemic which made the completion of her degree all the more special.
Overall, when it came to defining her educational and career goals, she took advantage of the support and services that were provided through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant. She is well on her way to seeking employment that is in high demand in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.