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Keeping Warm this Winter with Government Assistance

Staying warm in cold weather is an essential need that can put a strain on a family's finances. However, there are government assistance programs in place to assist. These programs can assist you in keeping the heat on for you and your family while also controlling costs. One program that may help is the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).

What is the Weatherization Assistance Program?

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is intended to reduce energy bills by making homes more energy efficient and to improve low-income families' self-sufficiency. WAP, which is managed by the United States Department of Energy (DOE), is available in all 50 states. The rules may differ slightly from one state to the next. Weatherization assistance may include the installation of insulation, the replacement or repair of windows and doors, the sealing of air leaks, the patching of small areas of the roof, the under skirting of your house or deck, and more!

Who is Eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program?

Weatherization services are available to as many as 20 to 30 million American families across the country. The states provide services, and each state has slightly different criteria. Local weatherization agencies handle all energy services.

Eligibility for the program varies by state. You are automatically eligible if you are at or below 200% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines. Moreover, you are also automatically eligible if you receive Supplemental Security Income or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

You may also be eligible in your state if you are:

  • Over 60 years of age

  • A family with one or more members with a disability

  • A family with children

For more information on eligibility or to start your application, go to, where you can find the How to Apply for Weatherization page.

How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting the Weatherization Assistance Program?

WAP, like many other government programs, has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Department of Energy has issued a WAP Memorandum in response to questions about the impact of COVID-19 on the Weatherization Assistance Program.

It is critical for grantees to understand that if access to your home for weatherization has been negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, the DOE will allow partial payments for allowable activities until a final inspection can be completed.

DOE is aware of the risk of coronavirus exposure for both employees and clients. DOE has encouraged grantees to postpone weatherization work, particularly in areas heavily impacted by the coronavirus, until conditions are safe for workers and citizens.

We can assist you in connecting to the appropriate program or information. Here are a few good places to start:

  • Read this article on “Winter Weatherization Prep" to prepare your home for winter.

  • Other benefits in the Housing and Public Utilities category can be found here. Filter by state or subcategory to see benefits tailored to your specific requirements.


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