The Central Arkansas Planning and Development District (CAPDD) Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, January 23 at 10:30 a.m.
The meeting will take place in the CAPDD Office in Lonoke, which is located at 902 North Center Street.
For those who would like to attend these meetings virtually, the information to join the meeting from a computer, tablet, or smartphone is below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 245 9836
Passcode: 133867
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,9292459836#,,,,*133867# US
About the Central Arkansas Planning and Development District Board of Directors
The CAPDD's governing body is composed of twenty-five (25) members of the Board of Directors, fifteen (15) local elected officials, and ten (10) private citizens representing the various social and economic elements of the population. Four (4) board members represent each of the six (6) participating counties in the District. Minority representation on the Board shall be the same percentage as the District population.
CAPDD is an “equal opportunity employer/program,” and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.” Arkansas Relay Service: 1-800-285-1121 (Voice) 1-800-285-1131 (TDD) or TDD 711.
Equal Opportunity Officer- Tina Roush (501) 676-2721 tina.roush@capdd.org