With no previous work experience, no interview skills, and no confidence he would be able to attain employment, recent high school graduate, Marcus Bolin connected with the Arkansas Workforce Center in Conway, in hopes of finding assistance in obtaining employment.
In August 2019, he visited with Career Consultant, Ashlee Ennis and enrolled in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program. Prior to enrolling in Work Experience, Marcus participated in the Job Readiness Training Activity and learned skills such as Resume Building, Interviewing Skills Training and Dressing for Success.
Additionally, he participated in the financial literacy classes and learned how to budget to save enough money to get his driver’s license and get his own vehicle.
Afterwards, he enrolled in the Work Experience Program where he gained helpful work experience at two local worksites, Community Action Program of Central Arkansas (CAPCA) and Rideout Lumber Co. While completing his work experience, Marcus made great connections and ultimately led to a great learning experience.
Upon the completion of the occupational skills training program, Big Red in Searcy hired Marcus as a Sales Associate making $10.00 an hour. Overall, Marcus learned job skills, time management, customer service and social skills when working with the public and credits the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program for his success.
